117 research outputs found

    Open and closed industry clusters: The social structure of innovation

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    In this paper we discuss knowledge and innovation in clusters and the benefits of clustering from a knowledge-based perspective. Knowledge-based resources and innovations are important sources of competitive advantage for firms. Aware of the importance of continuously seeking new knowledge firms increasingly seek knowledge-rich locations such as specific industry clusters across the world. These are locations characterized by the concentration of firms operating in related and supporting activities, a specialized work force and a specialized institutional environment that nurtures the industry. However, it is not likely that these clusters are always locations from which the firms will be able to draw the intended knowledge benefits. The social structure of the relationships between individuals and firms determines the extent to which knowledge will be created, will flow between co-located firms and bounds the knowledge benefits the firms may capture. We finish with a discussion of the need of further examination of the network dynamics involved in an industry cluster to obtain a clearer identification of the actual positive externalities that may accrue to co-locating firms.Strategy; Industry clusters; Innovation

    Make or Buy in a mature industry? Models of client-supplier relationships under TCT and RBV perspectives

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    In this paper, we use the transaction cost theory (TCT) and the resource-based view (RBV) to discuss three propositions on the models of client-supplier relationships in mature industries. The two theories seem to advance different organizational forms of the client-supplier relationships, and in some instances contradictory. How should firms organize to prosper and grow, namely in the international markets? Through the case study of three Portuguese packaging firms, with primary (interviews) and secondary data, we discuss how the three firms deploy three distinct strategic organization models in a mature industry. One firm utilizes market-based governance mechanisms, and concentrates its production in a few selected locations. Another firm vertically integrates almost the entire value chain of the product to provide full service to its clients. The third firm operates in a model of integrated outsourcing, with the installation "wall to wall" to its clients. The models client-supplier assumed by these firms are based on efficient, stable, and trustworthy relationships, that permit the focus on their core competences and the reduction of the transaction costs. Firms? superior performance requires a proper alignment of hierarchical and relational governance taking in consideration the dimensions of the transactions.Client-supplier relationship models; Outsourcing; TCT; RBV; Strategic Governance

    The impact of strategic resource seeking and market seeking strategies on foreign entry modes under institutional pressures

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    Multinational corporations (MNCs) are subject to the various dimensions of the external institutional environments where they operate. Institutional theory suggests that MNCs need to conform to the prevailing rules, norms and procedures of the locations where they operate in order to survive and grow. This means that MNCs need to develop the best possible configuration of strategy-structure for their worldwide operations. Previous research has noted that in these conditions firms may simply seek to follow a referent other. However, MNCs? specific strategy for a focal foreign operation is likely to determine the entry mode for each host country. That is, in certain circumstances it may be whether MNCs are pursuing a market-seeking strategy or a strategic resource seeking strategy that shapes the entry mode in face of the prevailing institutional pressures. We contribute to the understanding of entry modes into foreign markets as a reflection of a strategic choice that is bound by institutional constraints.strategic resource seeking, market seeking, institutional environment, foreign entry modes

    Firm Characteristics and Country Institutional Development: Business Relationships with Foreign Firms in Transition Economies

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    The composition of firms' foreign business networks has been attended to in recent research but has seldom been subjected to empirical study in transition economies. In this study, we test hypotheses related to the composition of firms' foreign business relationships. First, we suggest that firms' characteristics matter for building a network of ties the foreign agents. Then, we consider the moderating effect of the degree of institutional development of the home country to assess to extent to which firms' foreign business relationships in transition economies are affected by the institutional development. We conduct a set of logistic regressions and one OLS regression to investigate the composition of firms' business relationships using firm-level data from 24 transition economies. The results indicate that firm size and membership in trade associations are good predictors of foreign business relationships ? specifically, relationships with foreign investors, customers, and suppliers - and also of the diversity of foreign relationships. The country's institutional development radically changes which firms' characteristics matter in forming business relationships.transition economies, foreign relationships, types of ties, institutional development

    Composition of small and large firms? business networks in transition economies

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    Recent research has theorized on the composition of firms' business networks but has not empirically examined business networks in transition economies may vary for different firms. In this study, using firm level data from twenty six transition economies collected by the World Bank and the EBRD in 1999-2000, we conduct a set of logistic regression models to investigate the composition of small and large firms' business networks. The results show that, in contrast to smaller firms, larger firms are more likely to have formal business relationships, and relationships with national and foreign financial institutions, government, and foreign firms. In addition, in a subgroup analysis of seven transition economies we show that the composition of the firms' business networks varies substantially across countries but that the government is still a dominant client. Furthermore, we found a large variation on firms' reliance on informal ties and the extent to which firms exchange with foreign firms.business relationships, multi-country, transition economies, institutional environment

    On the adaptation of the firm to the International Business Environment

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    This paper advances on the importance of the adaptation of the firm to the International Business Environment (IBE). The IBE is a distinguishing factor in international business studies and the firm?s adaptation to the environment has been presented as a basic survival strategy. We argue that adaptation is indeed a dynamic and largely internally driven process that leads the firm to co-evolve with the external environment. The ability to adapt to different international business environments is developed over time through the firm?s experiences and built into its routines. Adaptation is both suggested to incorporate the elements of a planned strategy and of random variation in search for local peaks given bounded rationality, imperfect information and the current pool of resources and capabilities. The ability to adapt to the environment may be conceptualized as a knowledge-based capability and a potential source of competitive advantage for the multinational corporation.Adaptation, International Business Environment, MNC, capabilities, evolution, environmental stability

    Criação de um Programa de Reconhecimento e Participação nos Resultados em Instituições de Ensino Superior com base no BSC

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), percebendo o acirramento da concorrência, reconhecem a importância de repensar sua forma de gestão, buscando uma visão mais competitiva e continuada, bem como instrumentos que mobilizem e motivem todos os colaboradores. Nesse ambiente, a tarefa de criar um sistema de reconhecimento e premiação que possibilite a equalização dos interesses dos funcionários com os interesses da organização, de forma clara e objetiva, com objetivo de elevar o desempenho organizacional, torna-se uma tarefa de grande complexidade. Assim, com o intuito de contribuir para a gestão estratégica dessas instituições, especificamente as pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE), utilizou-se nesse estudo a ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como peça essencial para a criação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação nos resultados. Foram apresentadas questões importantes que devem ser levadas em consideração para a implantação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação bem como a proposta de etapas para o mesmo fim

    Modelando o BSC para as Universidades do Sistema ACAFE

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), percebendo o acirramento da concorrência, reconhecem a importância de repensar sua forma de gestão, buscando uma visão mais competitiva e continuada. Assim, com o objetivo de contribuir para a gestão estratégica dessas instituições, especificamente as pertencentes ao sistema ACAFE, foi utilizada neste estudo a ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Algumas etapas foram necessárias à sua adequação às universidades fundacionais catarinenses. Apresentaram-se e identificaram-se algumas características existentes no ambiente das universidades fundacionais catarinenses e suas peculiaridades em relação a outras organizações que não integram esse setor; realizaram-se os ajustes necessários à ferramenta Balanced Scorecard às universidades do sistema ACAFE; bem como a proposta da ferramenta auxiliar denominado mapa estratégico. Por último demonstrou-se a possibilidade de se desenvolver e utilizar o BSC acadêmico institucional como forma de integrar mais de um campus a gestão focada na estratégia

    Composition of small and large firms' business networks in transition economies

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    Recent research has theorized on the composition of firms' business networks but has not empirically examined business networks in transition economies may vary for different firms. In this study, using firm level data from twenty six transition economies collected by the World Bank and the EBRD in 1999-2000, we conduct a set of logistic regression models to investigate the composition of small and large firms' business networks. The results show that, in contrast to smaller firms, larger firms are more likely to have formal business relationships, and relationships with national and foreign financial institutions, government, and foreign firms. In addition, in a subgroup analysis of seven transition economies we show that the composition of the firms' business networks varies substantially across countries but that the government is still a dominant client. Furthermore, we found a large variation on firms' reliance on informal ties and the extent to which firms exchange with foreign firms

    Entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric study of the EnANPADs 1997-2008

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    We have witnessed a fast growth in academic interest on entrepreneurship over the past two to three decades, although at disparate paces in different countries. A wealth of papers presented and published, books, dedicated journals, websites, professional and research groups have emerged accompanying this increased interest. It is thus important to understand what are these scholars studying. In this paper we examine the state of the art in entrepreneurship research in Brazil, by scrutinizing the entire track record of the papers presented at the EnANPAD over a twelve years period: 1997 -to 2008. The results of the bibliometric analysis revealed that entrepreneurship research maintains a broad spectrum of interests, focusing both on contextual, individual and process issues. Less visible is a unified theoretical background or the use of established theories foundational to other management disciplines. It is notable the increase in Brazilian entrepreneurship research, both empiric, theoretical and case-study based. We conclude with an umbrella discussion and suggestions for future research.entrepreneurship research, entrepreneur, bibliometric study, EnANPAD